Acteurs du GFZ


The IC2MP (Poitiers Chemistry Institute: materials and natural Resources) is a multidisciplinary research institute established in 2012 (Director: Sabine Petit), specializing in the study of materials (clays, catalysts, …), the natural environment ( water, soil, …), and reactions (natural or induced) down there. The main application areas related to synthesis, clearance of natural resources.

The Institute depends on two institutions: the CNRS and the University of Poitiers (UMR CNRS 7285).

IC2MP in figures: The Institute has a staff of 250 people: 100 researchers (75 faculty members from the University of Poitiers and 25 CNRS), 50 permanent staff to support research (26 from university and 24 CNRS), 86 PhD students and 14 postdocs and temporary staff.

IC2MP covers a continuum of scientific and technical know-how from research of clean processes, including development of materials, synthesis and characterization of natural and synthetic molecules, the processes of pollution, through the study of transfers and reactivities in the natural environment, particularly in water and soil. The fields of application concern the energy, materials and natural resources in a sustainable environment.


IC2MP – UMR 7285
Université de Poitiers – SFA
Bâtiments B27, B28 et B35 4, rue Michel Brunet – TSA 51106,
86073 Poitiers cedex 9

Phone: +33 (0) 5 49 45 37 02
Fax: +33 (0) 5 49 45 34 99
Email : secretariat.ic2mp@univ-poitiers


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